Pooh pics
(Blogger still won't let me post pics. But I've discovered that I can still post pics through Picasa. The problem is that I can only post four pics at a time. That means that I'll have to break up any post that has more than four pics and post the segments in reverse order, so that you can read down through them. We'll see how that works. Soon I hope to move this blog out of Blogger.)
The first three pics are from the first conversation that Maia and I had about Pooh. The last is from tonight. I was taking pictures of Maia because she looked so cute in her barettes. She asked me to take a picture of her and Pooh and Bunny, and so I did.
It turns out that the "Pooh is a little bit shy" thing started with Kristina. She made that remark about Pooh as a way of drawing Maia out, and seeing whether shyness was a problem for her.
Smart lady, that Kristina.
John, Sunday, August 20, 2007
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